Chiel Kraai has an insatiable hunger for building businesses. And after 11 years of reaching great heights – and some low lows – entrepreneurship now is like breathing to him. A constant throughout those years? His eagerness to learn about what it takes to succeed. Just like his drive to do things better. ‘Failure is necessary to make progress.’

Building brands that are ready for the future.

Hottubs & sauna’s

vision, intuition and decisiveness 

‘I’m a born entrepreneur’, Chiel says. ‘Already as a kid, I made a business out of everything. I saw opportunities – and then just went for it. When I was fifteen, I started building companies from scratch. To eventually in 2022 conquer a place in the top 250 growth companies in the Netherlands with my hot tub company Welvaere.’ 

When Chiel has an idea for a business, he doesn’t let anything or anyone distract him. ‘I rely on a strong vision, intuition and a good dose of just going for it. Many people have good ideas. But they get stuck just there, in the idea phase, and don’t follow through. Often because they think in boundaries and limits. I see the opportunities.’ 

‘You won’t find “can’t” in my dictionary’  

Not so Chiel. He thinks in opportunities and never shies down from a challenge. ‘Especially when others say that it can’t be done’, he says. ‘While building up a business, the choices I make always contribute to my vision. Not every business idea he comes up with pays off, but he will do everything in his power to try and pull it off.  

Of course, Chiel doesn’t build his businesses alone. ‘Over the years I surrounded myself with talented teams. I know how to empower people, an important step in making ideas gain momentum. And when the flywheel effect kicks in and a business grows steadily, I can focus on developing more ideas. Because sitting still is not an option for me.’


Chiels’ birth as entrepreneur

The first signs of Chiel’s talent for entrepreneurship are noticeable in primary school. ‘I started out with selling fireworks to classmates, after which I switched to breeding and selling rabbits.’ 

As a first-year student, he switches to trading in boxer shorts. ‘At first from my own locker, but soon I rented a few more from classmates to expand my business. Eventually, I went online and started my first webshop. Which I sold a few years later for a nice sum. It marked the beginning of my career as an entrepreneur.’

2011 - 2016

A golden era

Chiel discovers that there is a market for renovated inflatable hot tubs. ‘I started this venture in my father's backyard – but this quickly got out of hand. Demand grew rapidly and in no time the garden was too small for what we we’re doing.’   

And so, for the second time in his life, Chiel goes to the Chamber of Commerce. ‘My hot tub company 'EasyBubbels' was born. It was the beginning of a golden age for me. The renovation, expiry and rental of hot tubs takes off and I learned my first real entrepreneurial lessons. At the same time, I enjoyed life and my success with my friends. You’re only young once, after all.’

2016 - present

Prosperous Welvaere

EasyBubbels is a great success. But if you think that’s a reason for Chiel to rest on his laurels, you don't know him yet. ‘In 2016 came across a Scandinavian trend and saw an opportunity to transform Easybubbles into something bigger: making and selling wood-fired hot tubs and barrel saunas under the name Welvaere. A golden move – and the start of even more success.’ 

A couple of years later, Chiel has a transformative experience: ‘After taking an icebath for the first time, I noticed the potency and benefits of cold therapy. I knew straight away: this is my next venture. The company Icetubs was born.’ After establishing the company firmly in the Netherlands, Chiel is currently in the process of expanding Icetubs to the North American market. 

Welvaere and Icetubs are not the only companies that Chiel is currently focusing on. ‘There is Tubclub, a company that enables individual e-commerce brands to sell hot tubs originally manufactured by Welvaere. Next to that I run Always Blue, a water maintenance product that has all the benefits of chlorine without the negative side effects. And to put my entrepreneurial experience into action I also own Buildinvestgrow, a task force company which facilitates new or strengthens existing business processes.’ 

2022 - heden


In 2022 zag Chiel wederom een kans. Een bezoek van Wim Hof aan de showroom van Welvaere plantte een zaadje in zijn ondernemersgeest/brein. Wim had namelijk een bijzonder verzoek: een bad zonder verwarming, zodat hij het kon vullen met ijs.

Diezelfde dag zat hij dan ook in een bad gevuld met meer dan duizend ijsblokjes. Hij had dit verzoek al vaker van klanten gekregen, maar nu nam het serieuze vormen aan. Het gevoel dat drie minuten in ijskoud water hem gaf, werkte verslavend. Dat wilde hij elke dag. Dus bouwde hij met zijn team, met bloed, zweet en tranen, het beste ijsbad ter wereld

Chiel In the media

Chiel's unique entrepreneurial style, his endless stream of ideas, and the paths he has taken with his businesses are a source of inspiration. More than enough to write about.

Information for press

Chiel ziet ondernemen als een kans om te innoveren en ongebaande paden te bewandelen. Zelfs als dat betekent om af te wijken van de standaard route. Dit doet hij niet alleen, maar altijd met een sterke groep mensen om hem heen. Waarbij hij deze groep en zichzelf altijd uitdaagt om het iedere dag 1% beter te doen dan die ervoor. En dat heeft geleid tot een aantal succesvolle bedrijven.

Entrepreneurship means trial and error

 ‘When there is an idea, there are always opportunities’, Chiel knows. ‘But it also means there are risks – not all my ideas come to full fruition. In my years as an entrepreneur, more of my businesses have failed then succeeded. My list of flops includes companies in artificial plants, solar panel roof tiles, electric boats and air conditioners.’ 

Yet Chiel does not regret starting any of these businesses for a second. ‘I believe that failure is necessary to move forward. To improve and grow. It makes me stronger, as an entrepreneur and as a person. I apply the lessons I learn as an entrepreneur to all areas of his life. And believe me, at least my life is never boring.’

"I do not believe in limits, but in opportunities"

An important lesson Chiel has learned over the years is that you need a strong mindset and a fit body to deal with the stress that comes with being an entrepreneur. ‘That is why I take good care of my body and my mind. It is no coincidence that all my companies are connected to physical and mental health.’  

So, a fit body and mind. What else is important? ‘To always stay hungry’, Chiel says. ‘You need to be able to absorb the inevitable setbacks that come with building businesses from scratch. Just like you need to ensure that you and your team keep performing at the highest level. Believe in what you’re doing – and just keep going. These are indispensable keys to success.’ 

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